Simply put, I enjoy art and I have a deep desire to create.
My work, in a way, focuses on intent. Despite making thousands of artworks, I have
only shown a small percentage. Why I purposely show certain pieces while hiding away others is often times more interesting than why I make them. I would rather be asked,
"why exhibit this," and not "what's the meaning," when it comes to my work.
Conceptually, I am interested in the idea of "pretending." This ranges from stories about certain pieces, series or even characters. I do understand the separation of fiction and reality, and do not consider my pieces to be "real," nor do I think they necessarily reflect my true self. This idea can bring another point of discussion to viewers of my work and make them wonder about whether my art should matter, directly relating to my intent as an artist.
It is far too common for people to pretend to be something they are not; I have been guilty
of this more than once. You just can't always tell one's motive, can you?
2016-2018  -  BA with Distinction in Art and German, Liberal Arts Degree, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD 
2014-2016  -  South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
2023-2024  -  South Dakota Governor’s 10th Biennial Traveling Art Exhibition
                          South Dakota State Art Museum, Brookings, SD
                          John A. Day Gallery, Vermillion, SD
                          Washington Pavillion, Sioux Falls, SD
                          Dahl Arts Center, Rapid City, SD
2023  -  Ipso Facto, Ipso Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2023  -  Realm, Ipso Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2023  -  Micro Gallery at Fresh Produce, Sioux Falls, SD
2023  -  The Blues, Untitled 10, Sioux Falls, SD
2022  -  47th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Brookings Art Council, Brookings, SD
2022  -  Drawings I Don’t Show (Solo Exhibition), Brookings Art Council, Brookings, SD
2022  -  Creative Creatures, Untitled 10, Sioux Falls, SD
2022  -  New Heights, Untitled 10, Sioux Falls, SD
2021  -  Welcome to Art Camp, Backartigans, Sioux Falls, SD
2021  -  Square Milage, Untitled 10, Sioux Falls, SD
2021  -   Neon Daydreams, Backartigans, Sioux Falls, SD
2021  -  Golden Hour, Backartigans, Sioux Falls, SD
2021  -  Art Sounds, Ipso Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2019  -  Naughty Naughty, Third Eye Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2019  -  Shutterbugs , Third Eye Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2019  -  Salon De Vishnu, Third Eye Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2018  -  Miscellanea: Augustana Senior Art Show, Eide/Dalrymple Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2018  -  2018 “Greetings from South Dakota” Exhibition, Exposure Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2017  -  Annual $100 Art Show, Exposure Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2017  -  41st Annual Fine Arts Open Exhibition, Brookings Art Council, Brookings, SD
2017  -  Student Summer Invitational Exhibition, Eide/Dalrymple Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
2016  -  Student Summer Invitational Exhibition, Eide/Dalrymple Gallery, Sioux Falls, SD
Various Private Collections, both domestic and international
Carl Grupp Permanent Collection, Eide/Dalrymple Gallery, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD
Cordell Wright, "Sunny’s Pizzeria creating mural honoring 21 Sioux Falls figures," Dakota News Now, October 1, 2021. 
Sonya Swink, "January Jones to Scott Hoy: These 21 local celebs are going on the Sunny's Pizzeria mural"
Sioux Falls Argus Leader, October 1, 2021.
Rosemary McCoy, "Pizza shop mural to feature local notable figures", Pigeon605, September 30, 2021.
“Dickson Receives Harold Spitznagel Medal for Achievement in Art,” Augustana University, April 27, 2018. 
Hannah Wendt, “Augustana Student Invitational,” Jam Art & Supplies “blog”, July 10th, 2017. 
Don Jorgensen, “Steamroller Prints,” KELO, Sioux Falls, SD, October 12, 2017.
Harold Spitznagel Medal for Achievement in Art. Augustana University. 2018
Augustana Art Department Purchase Award. Augustana University. 2018
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